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Travel Booking Website

Travel Booking Website

Built a Travel Booking application with 4 developers using the MERN stack that can book flights, hotels, and cars. I implemented shopping cart logic using React context, handled full-stack authentification, and connected to the Skyscanner API for flight information.

Code Lion

Code Lion

Designed and developed learncodelion.com in NextJS and TailwindCSS to optimize first contentful paint. I regularly tutor friends, family, or clients in basic HTML/CSS, Javascript, and React.

React Sudoku Game

React Sudoku Game

Created a fully functioning Sudoku Web-App using React, React Hooks, and Redux for state management. There are 10 games available.

Brawlhalla Stat Tracker

Brawlhalla Stat Tracker

I am a huge fan of Brawlhalla, so I decided to create a stat tracker using ChartJS and React. Check out your stats!